Working Minds for Employees

Product code: FG315


Delivery method

Delivery method

Virtual classroom



3 hours and a half



HECSB Employees



Employees will receive practical knowledge to increase their overall comfort level with mental illness. On completing the course, employees will be able to understand mental health and mental illness, recognize its signs and indicators, in themselves and others, reduce stigma and negative attitudes toward people with mental health problems, support colleagues with mental health problems and maintain their own mental health and improve their resilience.

The Working Mind Stigma is a major barrier preventing people from seeking help for mental health problems or mental illness. The fear of stigma often delays diagnosis and treatment. If identified and treated early, mental health concerns can be temporary and reversible. Employees who understand normal reactions to stress and how to manage these reactions are more resilient. They have the ability to recover from stress, traumatic events, and adverse situations. It is possible to train people to recognize changes in their own mental health and become more resilient.


Additional upcoming sessions

Date and Time Session code Location Language Available seats
FG315-EN English Full
FG315-FR French Full
Date modified: 2023-03-16