Ribbon Skirt Teachings
Séances à venir
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30 janvier 2025
En ligne
13 h 00 à 14 h 00 (HE)
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Mode de prestation
En ligne
1 hours
Tout les Employés de SC et de l’ASPC
The Circle of Nations is pleased to announce that our esteemed Resident Elder Heather Poitras will be offering monthly teachings to public servants across the government. Elders teach about culture, tradition, and about the vision of life contained in First Nations philosophies and are handed down in ceremonies and traditional Teachings. These Teachings will broaden and deepen employees’ understanding of what it means to be Indigenous to these lands since time immemorial.
Heather Poitras is the Elder-in-Residence at the Canadian Forest Service Northern Forestry Centre (NoFC) and NRCan’s Circle of Nations. In particular, Elder Heather provides guidance, mentorship, advice, and cultural education to staff and management, as well as helping to shape NoFC’s reconciliation journey and to establish the We Walk Together Forward - Indigenous Learning Centre.
Elder Heather is from the Sawridge First Nation and has spent most of her life in the Treaty 6 territory. During her long career at Indigenous Services Canada, she has strived to ensure that her people, the original people of this country, are included in every aspect of society. As the spiritual lodge-keeper, she has provided Indigenous awareness to thousands of people from all levels of government, corporations, and to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups. As a descendant of Big Bear, she has been dedicated to creating awareness of Canada’s true history, helping with the healing process, and improving relationships.
Séances additionnelles à venir
Date et heure | Code de séance | Lieu | Langue | Places disponibles | |
30 janvier 2025, de 13 h 00 à 14 h 00 (HE) | IC24342_EN | En ligne | Anglais | 1981 | Connectez-vous pour vous inscrire |