Become a Mentee

Product code: IN007

Available offerings

To register, you will be prompted to sign in.






Delivery method

Delivery method




At least one hour per month



All HC and PHAC Employees



What is involved in becoming a mentee?

 Mentees will:

  • Work with their mentors to explore and identify areas of interest, strengths, areas for improvement;
  • Be open to constructive feedback from their mentor to ensure they develop the skillset required to support their career aspirations; and
  • Provide feedback to the mentor to ensure that the relationship is proceeding as planned.

Mentees and mentors may discuss a wide variety of topics. The time investment is up to the mentor and mentee to discuss during their first meeting and can be as little as one hour per month.

How to become a mentee:

To become a mentee complete, the mentee questionnaire to build your mentee profile.

Matches will be determined based on the profile information of mentees and mentors. Please note that matches are not guaranteed. Unmatched mentees will be added to a wait list for future mentoring opportunities, which may include individual or small group mentoring.

Privacy Notice

The personal information you provide to Health Canada will be collected by the Talent and Workplace Culture Directorate under the authority of the Employment Equity Act as part of the Clerk's Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion in the Federal Public Service with the implementation of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat mandated Mentorship Plus Program and handled in accordance with the Privacy Act.


Why are we collecting your personal information?

We require your personal information to determine your eligibility as a mentee for the Mentorship Plus Program.


What are your rights?

You have the right to access and request a correction and/or notation to your personal information. You also have a right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if you feel your personal information has been handled improperly. For more information about these rights, or about how we handle your personal information, please contact the Mentorship Plus team through the positional mailbox:


For more information:

The collection of your personal information is described in Info Source. Refer to the personal information bank (PIB): Bank Number: PSE 918.

Date modified: 2023-08-17